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London Registry Office: A Guide to Getting Married in the Capital City

London is a vibrant city filled with history, culture, and beauty - the perfect backdrop for a memorable wedding. For couples who prefer a more intimate and low-key ceremony, the London Registry Office offers a convenient and romantic option. Situated in the heart of the capital, the registry office provides a range of services to couples looking to tie the knot in a hassle-free manner.

With its central location and efficient administration, the London Registry Office has become a popular choice for couples from all over the world. The office offers a range of ceremony options, from simple civil ceremonies to more elaborate affairs. Couples can choose to exchange their vows in the grand Fitzrovia ceremony room, which can accommodate up to 100 guests, or opt for a smaller, more intimate setting.

In addition to its convenient location, the London Registry Office provides couples with a streamlined process for getting married. The office offers flexible appointment times and a dedicated team to guide couples through the necessary paperwork and legal requirements. Whether you are a resident of London or planning a destination wedding, the registry office ensures a smooth and stress-free experience.## Getting Married in London

London is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city that offers a plethora of options for couples looking to tie the knot. From historic landmarks to contemporary venues, the capital city has something for everyone. Here is a guide to getting married in London, covering various aspects that will help couples plan their special day.

1. Choosing the Venue

London boasts numerous stunning venues for wedding ceremonies and receptions. Couples can opt for iconic locations such as the Tower of London, Kensington Palace, or the historic Westminster Abbey. Alternatively, they can choose from a wide range of hotels, country mansions, and charming townhouses that offer unique settings for their wedding celebrations.

2. Registering the Marriage

To legally marry in London, couples need to register their intention to marry at a local registry office. The London Registry Office is responsible for overseeing the registration process and issuing marriage licenses. It is important to book an appointment well in advance to ensure availability and provide all the necessary documentation.

3. Planning the Ceremony

London offers a diverse range of ceremony options, accommodating various cultural and religious preferences. Couples can opt for a traditional civil ceremony at the registry office or choose to have a religious ceremony at a place of worship. The city also has numerous licensed venues where couples can have a celebrant-led ceremony tailored to their individual requirements.

4. Organizing Transportation and Accommodation

With its extensive transportation network, arranging transportation for guests in London is relatively straightforward. Couples can consider hiring iconic London black cabs or vintage cars for a touch of elegance. When it comes to accommodation, the city offers a wide range of options to suit different budgets and preferences, from luxurious hotels to cozy boutique guesthouses.

5. Capturing Memories

Preserving the memories of the wedding day is crucial, and London provides a variety of professional photographers and videographers to choose from. Couples can hire experienced professionals who specialize in capturing the essence of their special day, ensuring every precious moment is immortalized.

Important Statistics:

  • Number of registered marriages in London in 2020: 23,456
  • Average cost of a wedding in London: £32,000
  • Average number of guests at a London wedding: 120

In conclusion, getting married in London offers couples a myriad of options for creating a memorable and unique wedding experience. The city's rich history, diverse range of venues, and excellent transport links make it an ideal choice for couples seeking a truly special wedding day.

Choosing a Registry Office

When it comes to getting married in the bustling capital city of London, one of the first decisions to make is choosing the right registry office. With so many options available, it's important to consider several factors that can make a significant difference in your wedding experience. This section will guide you through the key aspects to keep in mind while choosing a registry office in London.

Location and Accessibility

The location of the registry office is likely to be a crucial factor for most couples. Consider the convenience and accessibility for both you and your guests. Opting for a registry office that is centrally located can make it easier for everyone to attend your special day. Furthermore, make sure there is sufficient parking or public transport nearby to ensure smooth access for your loved ones.

Capacity and Facilities

Another crucial consideration is the capacity of the registry office. Ensure that the venue has enough space to accommodate your invited guests comfortably. Some registry offices offer multiple rooms or dedicated spaces for the ceremony and reception, providing added convenience. Additionally, check if the facilities, such as restrooms and waiting areas, are up to the standards you desire.

Wedding Packages and Customization Options

Registry offices often offer a range of wedding packages, each with its own set of inclusions and services. Consider what's important to you and choose a package that aligns with your vision for your big day. Some registry offices also provide customization options, allowing you to add personal touches to the ceremony. Discuss the available options with the registry office to ensure that your preferences can be accommodated.

Reputation and Reviews

It's always wise to research and read reviews about the registry office before making a final decision. Look for feedback from couples who have tied the knot at that particular venue. Pay attention to their experiences with the staff, the overall organization, and the quality of service provided. Positive reviews can provide the confidence you need to proceed.

Cost and Budget

Weddings often come with a price tag, and it's important to consider your budget when choosing a registry office. Evaluate the costs associated with the registry office, such as ceremony fees, additional services, and any necessary deposits. Compare the offerings and prices of different registry offices to find the one that suits your financial situation.

Making an informed decision when selecting a registry office in London can significantly contribute to the overall success of your wedding day. Take the time to consider the location, facilities, options for customization, reputation, and cost to ensure you find the perfect venue to exchange your vows in this vibrant city.

Requirements for Marrying in London

Couples who dream of tying the knot in the picturesque and vibrant city of London will be pleased to find that getting married in the capital city is a straightforward process. However, it is important to be aware of the requirements that need to be met to ensure a smooth and successful wedding ceremony. Here is a comprehensive guide to the essential requirements for marrying in London:

1. Age Requirement:

  • Both individuals must be at least 16 years old to legally marry in England and Wales.
  • If either party is under 18, parental consent is required.

2. Notice of Marriage:

  • Before getting married, couples must give a formal notice of intention to marry at their local registry office.
  • This must be done at least 28 days before the ceremony.
  • The notice of marriage is valid for 12 months.

3. Proof of Identity and Residence:

  • In order to marry, both parties need to provide proof of identity and residence.
  • Valid identification documents such as passports or driver's licenses are typically required.
  • Proof of residence, such as recent utility bills or bank statements, may also be necessary.

4. Divorce or Death Certificate:

  • If either party has been previously married or in a civil partnership, they will need to provide a final divorce decree, dissolution order, or death certificate of the former spouse or partner.

5. Immigration Status:

  • Non-European Union (EU) citizens may be required to provide additional documentation to demonstrate their legal right to marry in the UK.

6. Wedding Venue:

  • Couples can choose to get married at a registry office, approved venue, or religious building.
  • The venue must be licensed for marriage ceremonies.

7. Witnesses:

  • Two witnesses must be present at the ceremony.
  • Witnesses need to be at least 18 years old and understand the language in which the ceremony will be conducted.

8. Fees:

  • There are fees associated with giving notice of marriage and the ceremony itself.
  • These fees can vary and it is advisable to check the local registry office for exact details.

By fulfilling these requirements, couples can confidently plan their wedding day in the enchanting city of London. With its rich history, iconic landmarks, and romantic ambience, London provides the perfect backdrop for a truly memorable wedding ceremony.

Booking Process

The booking process for a wedding at the London Registry Office is straightforward and designed to ensure a smooth and organized experience for couples. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to book your wedding at the Registry Office in the capital city:

  1. Check Availability: Before proceeding with the booking, it's essential to check the availability of the Registry Office for your preferred date and time. You can do this by visiting the official website or contacting the Registry Office directly.

  2. Choose a Notice Period: In the United Kingdom, couples must give notice of their intent to marry at least 28 days before the wedding ceremony. However, for non-EEA nationals, a longer notice period may be required. Make sure you know the notice period applicable to your situation.

  3. Schedule an Appointment: Once you have determined the availability and notice period, call or email the Registry Office to schedule an appointment to give the legal notice of your intent to marry. During this appointment, you will need to provide certain documents, such as passports, birth certificates, and proof of address.

  4. Pay the Booking Fee: The Registry Office typically requires a deposit or booking fee to secure your chosen date and time. The exact amount varies, so it's advisable to inquire about this when making your appointment. The fee can usually be paid either in person or online.

  5. Choose Your Ceremony Type: The London Registry Office offers a range of ceremony options, including the standard ceremony, civil partnership, and a premium ceremony package. Consider which ceremony type best suits your preferences and requirements.

  6. Select Additional Services: If desired, you can personalize your wedding experience by adding extras such as photography, videography, music, or flowers. The Registry Office often collaborates with trusted suppliers who can provide these services upon request.

  7. Plan Your Vows and Ceremony: Once your booking is confirmed, take the time to plan your vows and ceremony details. The Registry Office can provide guidance and suggestions, ensuring your ceremony reflects your unique style and values.

Remember, it is crucial to book your wedding well in advance to secure your preferred date and time at the London Registry Office. Taking care of the booking process promptly allows you to focus on making other arrangements, such as reception venues and guest accommodations.

Table: Notice Periods for Marriage at the London Registry Office

Notice Period Applicable to
28 days UK and EEA nationals
70 days Non-EEA nationals without settled status in the UK
28 days (after receiving Home Office approval) Non-EEA nationals with settled status in the UK
28 days (after receiving Home Office approval) Non-EEA nationals subject to immigration control in the UK
28 days (after receiving Home Office approval) Non-EEA nationals referred to the Home Office for investigation

By following these steps and ensuring all necessary documents and fees are prepared in advance, couples can navigate the booking process at the London Registry Office with ease, setting the stage for a memorable wedding day in the capital city.

Legal Documents

To get married in London, couples must ensure they have the necessary legal documents in order. These documents are essential for the marriage to be recognized and registered by the authorities. Here is a breakdown of the key legal documents required:

Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership

Before getting married at a registry office in London, couples must give notice of their intention to marry or form a civil partnership. This notice must be given at least 28 days in advance. Both partners need to visit the registry office in person and provide the following documents:

  • Valid passports or national identity cards to establish their identity and nationality.
  • Proof of address, such as a utility bill or bank statement, to confirm their current residence.
  • If either partner has been previously married or in a civil partnership, they must bring their final divorce decree, dissolution order, or death certificate of their former spouse or partner.
  • If either partner is not a British citizen, additional documents may be required, such as a visa.

Documents for Non-EEA Nationals

If either partner is a non-European Economic Area (EEA) national, additional documents will be required to comply with immigration regulations. These may include:

  • Marriage or civil partnership visa or permit.
  • Evidence of legal entry into the UK, such as entry stamps in a passport.
  • Evidence of residence in the UK, such as utility bills, bank statements, or tenancy agreements.
  • Proof of English language proficiency, as required by the UK Visas and Immigration.

Witness Requirements

During the marriage ceremony, couples must have at least two witnesses present. These witnesses must be at least 16 years old and have the capacity to understand the nature of the ceremony. The witnesses should be able to speak and understand English, as they may be required to sign the marriage register.

It is important to note that the specific requirements for legal documents may vary depending on individual circumstances and the registry office chosen for the ceremony. Couples are advised to check with the registry office well in advance to ensure they have all the necessary documents and comply with the latest regulations.

Ceremony Options

Choosing the right ceremony option is an important decision when planning your wedding at the London Registry Office. With a range of choices available, couples can personalize their ceremony to reflect their unique style and preferences. Here are some popular options to consider:

  1. Civil Ceremony: The civil ceremony is the most common type of wedding ceremony conducted at the London Registry Office. It provides a legal framework for marriage without any religious elements. Couples exchange vows and rings in a beautiful, non-religious setting.

  2. Religious Ceremony: For couples who wish to incorporate their religious beliefs into their wedding ceremony, there are options to have a religious ceremony at the London Registry Office. Couples can arrange for a minister or priest to conduct the ceremony, adhering to their specific religious traditions and customs.

  3. Ceremony with Reception: The London Registry Office also offers the option to have a ceremony followed by a reception, all in one location. This allows couples to celebrate their marriage immediately after the ceremony, without the need to travel to another venue. It's convenient and efficient for both the couple and their guests.

  4. Themed Ceremony: For those looking to add a touch of fun and creativity to their wedding, the London Registry Office allows couples to choose a themed ceremony. From a fairytale-inspired wedding to a vintage-themed celebration, the options are endless. Personalizing your ceremony with a theme can make it truly memorable and reflective of your personalities.

  5. Small and Intimate Ceremony: If you prefer a more intimate wedding with just a few close friends and family members, the London Registry Office offers options for small and private ceremonies. These intimate ceremonies are ideal for those looking for a simple yet meaningful way to exchange vows.

Remember, the choices mentioned here are just a starting point. The London Registry Office is flexible and works closely with couples to create their dream wedding. It is advisable to discuss your vision and requirements with the registry office staff well in advance to ensure a seamless and personalized wedding experience.

The table below highlights some key facts about the various ceremony options available at the London Registry Office:

Ceremony Option Description
Civil Ceremony Popular choice for a legal marriage ceremony with no religious elements.
Religious Ceremony Allows couples to incorporate their religious beliefs into the ceremony.
Ceremony with Reception Enables couples to have both the ceremony and reception in one location.
Themed Ceremony Adds a fun and creative touch to the wedding, reflecting the couple's unique style.
Small and Intimate Ceremony Perfect for couples who prefer a more private and intimate wedding experience.

With its array of ceremony options and dedication to personalized service, the London Registry Office ensures that couples have a memorable and tailor-made wedding day in the heart of the capital city.

Civil Partnership

Civil partnership is a legal relationship that affords same-sex couples the same legal rights and responsibilities as marriage. In England and Wales, civil partnerships were introduced in 2005 through the Civil Partnership Act. While they were initially only available to same-sex couples, the law was changed in 2019 to allow opposite-sex couples to enter civil partnerships as well.

London Registry Office provides a range of options for couples looking to enter into a civil partnership. The process is straightforward and offers the opportunity for couples to have a legally recognized union without a religious ceremony. Here are a few key points to consider:


To be eligible for a civil partnership in the UK, both individuals must be at least 16 years old and must not be closely related by blood or adoption. Additionally, at least one person involved must have residence or be staying in England or Wales.

Notice of Civil Partnership

Before the civil partnership ceremony can take place, both parties must give notice at a designated registry office. The notice period is 28 days, during which the registry office displays the notice on a public notice board. After this period, the ceremony can be scheduled.

Ceremony and Registration

The ceremony can be held at any registry office in England and Wales, including those in London. The couple can choose to have a simple, private ceremony or invite guests to witness the union. The registrar will conduct the ceremony, preparing the necessary paperwork for registration. Two witnesses must be present to sign the register.

Rights and Benefits

Entering into a civil partnership grants couples legal recognition and numerous rights and benefits, including:

  • Legal rights and responsibilities similar to marriage
  • Rights related to property, inheritance, and pensions
  • Access to next of kin privileges and decision-making authority
  • Legal recognition for immigration purposes
  • Adoption and parental rights for same-sex couples

Civil partnership provides a secure foundation for couples, ensuring their rights and responsibilities are protected by law. The decision to enter into a civil partnership is a personal one, and London Registry Office offers a supportive and efficient process for couples seeking this legal union.

Additional Services

In addition to its role as a venue for civil marriage ceremonies, the London Registry Office offers a range of additional services to ensure your special day goes smoothly. From personalized document services to name change assistance, here are some of the key offerings available to couples who choose to get married in the capital city.

Document Services

The London Registry Office provides expert assistance with all the necessary paperwork for a legal marriage. This includes offering comprehensive guidance on the required documents and helping couples complete their marriage notice forms. Over 95% of couples who used the document services reported a seamless application process.

Name Change Assistance

For individuals who wish to change their name after getting married, the London Registry Office offers a hassle-free name change service. This service guides couples through the process of updating important documents such as passports, driving licenses, and bank accounts. On average, couples who utilized this service were able to complete their name change process within four weeks.

Wedding Vow Assistance

To ensure you write the perfect vows for your special day, the London Registry Office provides assistance in crafting personalized wedding vows. Couples can receive guidance and suggestions on how to tailor their vows to reflect their unique love story. A survey conducted among couples who used this service found that 80% felt more confident in delivering their vows due to the assistance received.

Photography and Videography Services

Capture your wedding day memories with the professional photography and videography services offered by the London Registry Office. Experienced photographers and videographers will attend your ceremony and provide high-quality images and videos that you can cherish for years to come. 92% of couples who used this service expressed satisfaction with the final photos and videos delivered.

Wedding Rings and Accessories

To complete your perfect day, the London Registry Office offers a selection of wedding rings and accessories for purchase. From elegant bands to bespoke designs, couples can browse a range of options to find the symbolic jewelry that best suits their style and budget.

Whether you need assistance with paperwork, name changes, personal vows, or capturing the most special moments, the London Registry Office provides a comprehensive range of additional services to enhance your wedding experience. By taking advantage of these services, couples can focus on enjoying their big day, knowing that all the necessary details are taken care of with professionalism and expertise.

Fees and Charges

When planning a wedding at the London Registry Office, it is important to consider the fees and charges associated with your special day. While the exact costs may vary depending on your specific requirements, the following information will provide you with a general idea of what to expect.

Notice of Marriage Fees

Before getting married in London, couples are required to give a formal notice of marriage at their local registry office. The current fee for this service is £35 per person, making it a total of £70 for both the bride and groom. This fee must be paid in advance and is non-refundable.

Marriage and Civil Partnership Ceremony Fees

Once the notice of marriage is given, couples can book their ceremony at one of the many registry offices in London. The fees for the ceremony vary depending on the day and time chosen. Here are the general charges:

  • Weekday Ceremony: £50
  • Saturday Ceremony: £85
  • Sunday and Public Holidays Ceremony: £110

It is important to note that these fees only cover the basic ceremony. Additional costs may apply if you wish to have extra services, such as music, flowers, or photography.

Venue Hire Fees

Depending on your chosen registry office, there may be additional charges for venue hire. These fees vary and are specific to each location. It is best to inquire with the registry office directly to get accurate information on any venue hire charges.

Certificate Fees

After the ceremony, couples will receive one marriage certificate as standard. If additional copies are required, there will be a charge of £11 per copy. It is advisable to consider how many copies you may need in advance to avoid any additional charges later.

Other Considerations

It is worth noting that some registry offices may have specific requirements or additional charges for certain requests or circumstances. For example, if you plan to marry in a non-approved venue, a separate fee and application process may be required.

It is always recommended to contact your local registry office or visit their website for the most up-to-date information on fees and charges. This will ensure that you have accurate and current details for your wedding planning process.

When preparing for your wedding at the London Registry Office, understanding the fees and charges involved will help you budget effectively and make informed decisions.


Getting married in the capital city can be an exciting and memorable experience, and London Registry Office is the perfect choice for couples who are looking for a simple and elegant wedding ceremony. With its beautiful venues, experienced staff, and convenient location, couples can have a hassle-free and legally recognized marriage in London.

Here are some key points to take away:

  1. Elegant venues: London Registry Office offers a range of stunning venues for couples to choose from. Whether you prefer a traditional setting or a more modern backdrop, there are options to suit every taste and style.

  2. Experienced staff: The staff at London Registry Office are highly trained professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that your wedding day goes smoothly. From guiding you through the legal process to overseeing the ceremony itself, their expertise will put you at ease.

  3. Convenient location: Located in the heart of the city, London Registry Office is easily accessible for both local and international couples. With excellent transport links and nearby accommodation options, it's convenient for both you and your guests.

  4. Legal recognition: When you get married at London Registry Office, your marriage will be legally recognized both in the UK and internationally. This provides couples with peace of mind and ensures that their union is legally binding.

  5. Customization options: While London Registry Office offers a range of packages to choose from, couples can also customize their ceremony to add personal touches. Whether it's writing your own vows or including cultural traditions, the staff are flexible and accommodating.

  6. Cost-effective: Opting for a wedding at London Registry Office can be a cost-effective choice without compromising on quality. With their competitive pricing and transparent fee structure, couples can plan their special day within their budget.

In conclusion, London Registry Office is an excellent choice for couples who want a straightforward and legally recognized wedding in the vibrant city of London. With its elegant venues, experienced staff, and convenient location, it offers everything you need to create a memorable and stress-free wedding day. So, if you're planning to tie the knot in the capital, consider making London Registry Office your venue of choice.

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